The Best Away Game Ever was part of a new media competition intended to see which team could create an event on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus and then garner the most media coverage, social media attention, and participants at the event.
Our event was a viewing party of the annual UNC/UVA football game where our participants took part in a digital scavenger hunt in order to win prizes.
- Football players’ video
- Featured on Social Sports and Entertainment Show
- Jesse Wojdylo at the Best Away Game Ever
- Google+ at the Best Away Game Ever
- Twitter notice by Google Students
- Ramses (School mascot)
- At the Best Away Game Ever
- Featured on Social Sports and Entertainment Show
- Google+ homepage mention!
- Hangouts with the team
- At the Best Away Game Ever
- At the Best Away Game Ever
- Mentioned by Dori Storbeck (Hangouts Community Manager)
- At the Best Away Game Ever
- Hangout with WR Cam Campbell
- At the Best Away Game Ever
We partnered with Google+ as the event’s social media hub, and were mentored by Google representatives to recruit Carolina students as new users to the social media platform.
Highlights (3 weeks time):
Personally, this event was an awesome experience. It was exhausting at some points but it was definitely worth it in the end. It was truly amazing to me to see how our group worked together to create this event. I will always be thankful for the ups and downs that this project threw my way. More importantly it taught me to take setbacks in stride and to turn them into learning experiences rather than an impediment. Countless hours were spent trying to optimize our concept with the set-backs, time constraints, and no budget. It was a great experience and I know it will be one of the most valuable and unique projects of my UNC career.
If you would like to view all of the finer details of this project I have made our final report available to download below.
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