• Best Away Game Ever

    Posted March 2, 2013 By in Projects, Writing Samples With | Comments Off on Best Away Game Ever Best Away Game Ever

    The Best Away Game Ever was part of a new media competition intended to see which team could create an event on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus and then garner the most media coverage, social media attention, and participants at the event.

    Our event was a viewing party of the annual UNC/UVA football game where our participants took part in a digital scavenger hunt in order to win prizes.

    We partnered with Google+ as the event’s social media hub, and were mentored by Google representatives to recruit Carolina students as new users to the social media platform.

    Highlights (3 weeks time):

    • Over 1.75 million impressions on Google+; 150,000+ impressions on Twitter; 5,000+ impressions on Facebook; 2,200+ YouTube views
    • Featured on Google+ homepage as an example of the future of online education which attracted 1.3 million Google+ views, 1037 “+1’s,” 370 shares, and 94 comments (Link)
    • Drew the attention of Natalie Villalobos (Community Manager for Google+) & Dori Storbeck (Community Manager for Hangouts/Chat)
    • Over 400 people participated at the event in Chapel Hill.

    Personally, this event was an awesome experience. It was exhausting at some points but it was definitely worth it in the end. It was truly amazing to me to see how our group worked together to create this event. I will always be thankful for the ups and downs that this project threw my way. More importantly it taught me to take setbacks in stride and to turn them into learning experiences rather than an impediment. Countless hours were spent trying to optimize our concept with the set-backs, time constraints, and no budget. It was a great experience and I know it will be one of the most valuable and unique projects of my UNC career.

    If you would like to view all of the finer details of this project  I have made our final report available to download below.


  • Twist, Lick, Dunk

    Posted March 1, 2013 By in Personal, Twist, Lick, Dunk: The Oreo Experience With | 3 Comments Twist, Lick, Dunk

    This is the first post in my series “Twist, Lick, Dunk: The Oreo Experience.” In this series I plan to explore the ways that Oreo (both the brand and product) is captivating consumers.

    Today I’m talking about Oreos and Oreos are unquestionably delicious. Admit it; just the thought of an Oreo right now has you salivating.

    Look at the cookie!!!

    Look at that cookie!!!

    Since its creation 1912, this simple food has remained the #1 selling cookie in America, and a staple of households and pantries worldwide. In fact, Oreo was the best-selling cookie in the entire 20th Century! And let’s be honest, it’d take a miracle for another cookie to unseat the Oreo in the 21st.

    But Nabisco has made their scrumptious little cookie more than just a treat. Oreo has an identity and an extraordinary community behind that identity.

    Oreo has a Facebook community of more than 25 million Oreo lovers around the globe, representing 200+ countries and dozens of different languages. Oreo ranks among the top five brand Facebook pages in the world!Oreo 100th Birthday Fact Sheet

    There are two main components that I believe have led to Oreo becoming such a success.

    I will dive deeper into both of these components in following posts. Join me as we delve into what exactly makes up the Oreo experience.



    Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Oreo or its parent companies Nabisco and Mondelez International Inc.

  • Learning Environments

    Posted February 19, 2013 By in Personal With | Comments Off on Learning Environments Learning Environments

    As my senior year rapidly continues to pass, I’ve looked back at several things from my college career that have helped me understand who I am and how I learn.

    A big factor for me is my learning environment. I have not done as well in classes that are massive lecture halls, but have tended to excel in a smaller classroom where the lesson is more discussion based and there is an active engagement with the professor rather than a passive relationship between the professor and myself.

    I think this is why I’ve loved my time in the UNC Journalism and Mass Communication school’s advertising and public relations courses. I constantly feel engaged with the material and am interested in coming to class every day.

    In regards to this, I was really struck by a concept development technique that I participated in the other day for my Advertising Workroom course.


    In this panorama you can see that, while brainstorming for a brand identity, we were instructed to use multicolored post-it notes to write down our ideas and place them on the wall. The system seems very haphazard but I was amazed how the physical action of placing an idea on the wall allowed me to mentally register it and then move on to a different concept. I didn’t feel like I was constantly riffing off my most recent idea. I was also able to move around the room, and be further influenced by the ideas that other students had posted.

    I really believe that this brainstorming technique helps your mind open up and become more efficient. In fact, I would expect that many more office spaces begin to feature this style of collaborative idea generation using products like IdeaPaint that turn walls into giant whiteboards.

    Image via http://www.ideapaint.com/spaces/work/



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  • Big A Challenge

    Posted February 9, 2013 By in Personal With | Comments Off on Big A Challenge Big A Challenge

    Personal achievement this past week: I completed the +HWY 55 Burgers Shakes & Fries (Formerly Andy’s) Big “A” Challenge.

    That monstrosity is 50 oz. of meat plus buns, trimmings, fries, and a drink in under 30 minutes.

    My friend and I do an eating challenge for his birthday and last year was El Gigante (4lb Burrito) at Bandidos in Chapel Hill. It got the better of me in the end, but he was able to defeat it.

    This year I was better prepared and we took on the Hwy 55 Big “A” Challenge. Needless to say, it was an immense trial. I overcame it though in a scant 16:30.

    Unfortunately, my friend did not so now we’re tied 1-1. Until next year!


  • "Suddenly We Didn’t Want to Die"

    Posted January 31, 2013 By in Personal With | Comments Off on "Suddenly We Didn’t Want to Die" "Suddenly We Didn’t Want to Die"

    Profound quote from Elton E. Mackin’s WWI memoir:

    “Little crosses stand above the dead. They do not tell how men died; they hide the bitter human stories of the war. […] They seldom stand alone. Men see to that.”


  • Attached at the Hip

    Posted January 23, 2013 By in Personal With | Comments Off on Attached at the Hip Attached at the Hip

    My girlfriend hates my phone.

    She is very vocal about the fact that I check it constantly, and she doesn’t see the need for me to be on it. I think my phone is amazing. It connects me to others from around the world, allows me to increase my productivity, and is a multi-use device. My phone is an instant portal to the entire collective knowledge of mankind! 
    And hilarious cat photos…

    So when my phone died last month I was distraught. I couldn’t sleep at night, I had cold sweats, and I could barely eat anything. 

    It wasn’t that serious but I legitimately did feel mentally distressed at not having a phone. I soon realized how integrated it had become in my life. My biggest loss was my contacts. I had failed to properly sync all my contacts so when it loaded back up I had lost almost a year’s worth of contact information. The ease of which I had access to all my contact information had made me complacent. I realized that I had never memorized the numbers that I contacted most. These people weren’t a phone number to me, they were a name and a photo in my phone. Needless to say it has been a lesson learned the hard way.

    I have a new phone now though; a Samsung Galaxy SIII. I’ve been amazed by some of the things this phone can do. The one feature that has really stood out to me though is a simple, yet key, addition. 
    That feature is the LED indicator.

    The LED indicator is a light on the face of the phone that blinks whenever I have a waiting notification such as a text or an email. I’ve been amazed how freeing this has made me feel. With my previous phone, I would check it constantly to see if I’d missed a text message or had an email waiting for me. But now, all I have to do is look over at it and the phone will show me without having to interact with it if I have notification waiting.

    It’s very satisfying to know that a simple feature addition to my phone like this has allowed me to feel like I’m no longer attached at the hip.

  • Theatrical Commentary for Looper

    Posted January 3, 2013 By in Personal With | Comments Off on Theatrical Commentary for Looper Theatrical Commentary for Looper

    I went and saw the movie Looper when it came out in theaters and really enjoyed it. I’m a fan of sci-fi movies and I thought the movie was an excellent twist on the time travel genre.

    I was really excited to see a couple days afterwards that the writer/director (Rian Johnson) had released an in-theater commentary track for the movie. The track is more than a description of the action on screen, but is akin to a director’s commentary you would find on a DVD/Blu-Ray release of the movie. Except that it’s free! (And available on SoundCloud for download here)

    Now the obvious incentive for releasing a track like this is that you can’t listen to it on the first showing. So, you have to come back for a second time and the studio gets more money. For a movie that I enjoyed though, I wouldn’t be upset about it. A movie such as Looper is a perfect example of one that really requires a second viewing. The concept of the film is very intellectual and it’s easy to get caught up on the visuals or the plot line and to miss the finesse that the director has placed in the film.

    Unfortunately for me, I never got around to going back to the theater to listen to the commentary with the movie. So, I decided it would still be worth my time to rent the movie when it came out and listen to the track. After doing that tonight, I’m even more disappointed that I wasn’t able to experience this on the big screen. The commentary was immensely enlightening and really gave me an appreciation for the smaller details in the background, the lighting, and the actors’ abilities. 

    I would really love to see this type of free commentary occur with more movies. I know personally I would go to second showings of a movie I enjoyed if director commentary was provided ahead of DVD release. For example: I would have loved this type of experience with The Hobbit.

    If you haven’t seen Looper yet it’s out on DVD/Blu-Ray now and well worth the rent. The director commentary is available here: Looper Theatrical Commentary

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