I am very excited about the upcoming release of Star Trek Into Darkness (May 9th premiere). I have really enjoyed the direction these Star Trek movies have taken under the direction of J.J. Abrams so I have high hopes for Into Darkness. It doesn’t hurt that I’m a huge fan of J.J. Abrams‘ work (Lost, Super 8, Fringe, Revolution, Person of Interest, Mission Impossible- Ghost Protocol) so I basically watch everything he makes. Also Benedict Cumberbatch was immensely captivating in Sherlock and if you haven’t watched it go right now and do so.
But what really excites me is when studios and projects do awesome event promotions! And this video is a great example:
30 LED-illuminated quadrocopters creating a 308-foot-tall Starfleet emblem rotating in place 118 feet above ground! Amazing!
Props to Ars Electronica Futurelab & Ascending Technologies for putting this together.
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